Total Happiness - Why An Individual Cannot Achieve It
By Zubli Zainordin

It is quite obvious to witness an individual who is always looking at other than the right way to seek for total happiness. The right way is, there is no other way to total happiness, and total happiness is the only way.
That means, total happiness is growing inside each individual, and there, is the starting point for the individual to expand and extend this wonderful feeling, glowing outside himself or herself.
Even after knowing this vital and valuable information, there is still an individual continuously seeking for total happiness, elsewhere, everywhere, anywhere, no where, or other places as a way that is away from the correct way to total happiness.
While total happiness is readily available inside this individual, he or she is still facing in other directions outside, farther from the chance of obtaining genuine total happiness.
While seeking for total happiness, this individual attempts to strive. His or her opinion is that striving seems a sure way to obtain true total happiness. That means, the individual striving for total happiness requires any, a combination, or all of these: an immense quantum leap forward, a really hard work, a large amount of energy, a powerful pervasive force, and a strong struggling movement, or some efforts that are more difficult than these.
Yet, all these are unnecessary. The facts remain that an individual can obtain total happiness, instantly and immediately, now and here, at will, by simply making a decision to be totally happy, thus opting to choose total happiness, as a natural preference in this life.
Foregoing this fact, and instead pursuing for a fiction or a falsehood, this individual begins to wonder as a wanderer in this life by asking why is it so hard to achieve total happiness, especially at the times when this feeling is needed the most? After which, his or her pursuit consists of more struggles to seek for total happiness at various places, where total happiness does not exists nor being presence.
It is then extremely hard for this individual to achieve total happiness, because realize it or not, this individual is:
01) On the wrong path where total happiness is not available,
02) Feels like he or she must first climb a virtual or real mountain before actually achieving total happiness,
03) Moving on the correct path but become preoccupied on some other irrelevant activities, truly out of focus,
04) Just like wanting to be at a port in the mainland but he or she simply proceed into the sea during violent storms and against a clear vibrant tsunami.
In the end, this is the individual who feels he or she cannot obtain total happiness, because instead of being in charge of him self or her self, the individual lives a life in accordance to the swings of his or her incessant and spontaneous moods. This is an accepted impossibility.
The individual knows that there is a power within him or her. In addition he or she knows the possibility of accomplishing any goal toward total happiness, yet he or she does not proceed to know the door to total happiness. Yes, there is no other door to total happiness, and total happiness is the only door.
Even after knowing this information, and being the key holder to the door toward total happiness, yet the individual does not even begin to move and easily opening the door.
Yes, the individual knows the benefits of total happiness to him or her in this precious life. Be totally happy and being in total happiness first, then enjoys the benefits as the inevitable outcome of such a wonderful feeling. Yet the individual does not decide to be totally happy nor being in total happiness first.
Instead the individual proceeds to seek elsewhere, no where, anywhere, and everywhere for total happiness. Therefore, ultimately the individual becomes tired of searching and researching, despite total happiness is always available, always here, within the sanubari in his or her own heart.
This individual is seen in his or her attempts to obtain total happiness by doing exercises, trying to improve his or her mood swings, pretend to attain certain pleasure by eating chocolate, or even listening to music, or establishing a new friendship, pursuing to falling in love again, or joining an association, trying to developing a new hobby, or learning a new skill, go out of the way in helping others to find happiness that he or she cannot even find it himself or herself, and stoop low in faking a smile, or project a laughter, with the thinking that by doing so first, he or she can achieve authentic total happiness.
The facts remain that total happiness is independent. Yes, total happiness is not dependent upon a subject or an individual; an object or a position; a context that includes a circumstances, a condition, an event, a happenstance, or a situation.
For as long as this individual is seeking total happiness by doing some activities to obtain it, he or she can never obtain it.
Should an individual hajat for total happiness, then he or she can obtain total happiness, instantly and immediately, by willing to make a decision to be totally happy, and being in total happiness, now and here. In fact he or she is able to sustain total happiness by opting to choose it, as a natural preference throughout his or her life.
Zubli Zainordin is a professional public communicator. An established author in Malaysia, who has published 4 books in his native language. He is presently authoring - the wisdom of total happiness - for the English speaking market Zubli Zainordin is an Expert Ezine@rticles Author. Also, a consultant for the national book authoring project. Zubli Zainordin earned a M. Sc. in Communication - Radio/Television/Film from Indiana State University (Terre Haute, Indiana, USA), Diploma in Mass Communication from University Technology MARA, and Diploma in Translation - Technical and Science, from the National Translation Institute As a thinker, Zubli Zainordin shares a unique view so that you may prefer to review your inner and outer self, then shall you preview your entire life with a total view. You shall want to benefit from his special approach to subjects pertaining to total life and total success. He is recognized as a pioneer, the arts and science of total success. He has prepared: Who am I? - the answer to ultimately know you - a free special report for you. Let's communicate Article Source: | ![]() |
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