Real Magic - The Wisdom of Defining What Intention You Choose to Manifest as a Miracle in Your Life
By Zubli Zainordin

Now is the moment, and here is the place, for you to perform real magic and thus experience numerous miracles, in line with your own total success within all areas of your entire private, public, and professional life. Truly, you shall always be saying, "it is up to me, so it is to be."
The manifestation of a miracle through real magic is exactly equal to your intention, once it is directly in line with the wisdom of your definition of all relevant and related concepts, terms, words, and more. Therefore, let us observe what is happening in the arena of public communication involving a public communicator and an audience, on the subject of total success or that which is similar, and touching on the basic topic of self-improvement whereby your intention becomes a manifestation.
One of the observations is this, "what do you really want in your life?" It is a popular as well as a penetrating question. It is popular because, a public communicator, especially a guru, an expert, a coach, a trainer, a speaker, a writer, an author, and other professional presenters, have always asked this question in public.
Perhaps, a must, to pave the achievement of success which corresponds with the objectives promised by the presenter and pursued by the audience. It is penetrating because most people do not ask this question as often as they prefer. So, when especially asked by the presenter, during this particular occasion, an individual in the audience is touched at the core of where his or her intention is, within the center of his or her being.
Perhaps, a must, to enable the audience to realize the entire period of life that includes - 1) where am I now? 2) where am I going? and 3) how do I get from here to there? However, the question has the highest worth, value, and price, only when the word "want" fits nicely in between the process from the intention to the manifestation.
Yet, in practice, both the presenter and the audience shall agree that the term "want' is only an aspect of the total "what". There is a large gap with reference to its definition and application. Hence, those who are involved seems to be juggling with the correct word to mean the "what" aspect of the process from-intention-to-manifestation.
Most are now aware that the numerous answers given and the variations to the meaning of "what" do not peg neatly into the totality of performing real magic and experiencing miracles in our life. Look at this one of the many examples, said by one of the presenters to a large audience, "dreaming without intent is just wishful thinking, unless you passionately want what you desire to manifest in your life." With this kind of confusion, the outcome is obvious.
Let us pose a challenging option then, is there a word, to fill the gap, "What do you really _____ in your life?". Especially a word that can maximize the advantages and expand the benefits both to the presenter and most importantly to the audience. Please, remember that there are words from other cultures being accepted and used in the English language such as "kaizen", "maya", "mantra", "sanubari", "satori", "yin & yang", and more.
Is now the moment to welcome yet another word, that fits nicely between "intention - the what to - manifestation" so as to enrich our enjoyment of real magic and to enhance our experience of miracles throughout our precious life. The word suggested is 'hajat". Hajat from the Malay language, is defined as, "a special intention derived from the vast natural selections of pure intention within your heart, that you are willing to ensure its manifestation in your life."
The term hajat encompasses the degree and intensity of the totality of "what" that includes 1) ambition, 2) wish, 3) dream, 4) want, 5) need, 6) requirement, 7) desire, 8) passion, 9) magnificent obsession, and 10) more.
Observe the difference, for the purpose of an illustration, in the following statements:
- "I wish a million dollars"
- "I want a million dollars"
- "I need a million dollars"
- "I desire a million dollars"
Perhaps, by asking the earlier question with the replacement of the term hajat, now becomes "what do you hajat in your life?" Then the answers given can be systematically categorized based on the wisdom of definition of all its varying components. Each seemingly similar yet presents various degree and intensity as indicated in the illustration given above.
Therefore, in performing real magic you shall be able to produce an outcome based upon what you sow, so shall you reap. This means that the manifestation of miracles equal your intention. The equality is the hajat, for instance, which has been clearly defined to mean a desire and not just a want. Or a need rather than a wish.
Another beauty of using hajat in the question, is that the word has no connotation nor denotation of lack. Instead, it has all to do with, 1) this is my birthright, 2) this is most apt an asking by a servant to the Master, and 3) enjoying full specialty of performing real magic and experiencing a miracle, is rest assured in relations to its manifestation from the intention.
So there is no need for anyone to 'fake it till you make it", nor does anyone need to mentally trick upon his or her mind, or any form of lying to one's self, sooner or later might corrupt the purity of one's character. Instead, the usage of the word hajat, opens up a natural flow of the awesome twin power of belief and faith. Believe is already seeing in your mind now, a hajat, while its gestation to being manifested. Faith is already feeling in your sanubari now, a hajat, while its gestation to being manifested.
You ensure hajat works to your advantages within the fact that an individual proposes and the God disposes. Therefore, it is possible now, as the writer of your own life script, you can categorize your hajat into an ambition, a wish, a dream, a want, a need, a requirement, a desire, a passion, or a magnificent obsession, or any combination thereof.
Once you are clear with the definition of each variation of your hajat, please be wise, to ask from the owner of the universe rather than the universe itself. Or else, it is just like any individual asking for apples from the orchard, rather than the owner of the orchard.
A hajat is a word that relates to an abundance mentality covering all at once the entire "whats" that you have decided to transform from the metaphysical dimension, onto the physical place, in line with the will of the God.
So now, for your own benefit please take the following test. It is known as the "Solomon Test"; and Solomon being the richest man on earth, and none has or will equal his richness.
Are you ready? Please write down on a piece of paper, three (3) questions that you prefer to ask an individual in your life whom you have chosen for the purpose of this test in order to know whether you have or have not an abundance mentality.
A similar test has been given to a total number of 1,000 seminar participants, and resulting in 30 individuals only, who have an abundance mentality. The remainder has defined the 3 questions as a confinement, quite similar to or as follows:
Question # 1, What is your name?
Question # 2, Where do you live?
Question # 3, What is your favorite food?
These are the same individuals who has discovered all their life that they have assumed that they cannot paint a masterpiece because there are only 3 basic colors; also, they cannot write a book because there are only 26 alphabets; plus, they cannot compose a song because there are only 8 notes; and they cannot perform real magic, or experience miracles in their life, because...
While the individuals with an abundance mentality took advantage of the 3 questions, with the wisdom of definition, by asking quite similar to or as follows:
Question # 1, What is the entire story, you shall share with me, from your total remembrance and recall, up to this moment.
Question # 2, What aspect of your entire story, that you have missed to tell me, and please add to inform me your intentions for the kind of life that you aspire for the remaining of your life?
Question # 3, Please say "yes", to this third question, "do you allow me to ask you 3 more questions?"
Yes, those who are performing real magic, and experiencing miracles have an abundance mentality and are wise in defining all concepts, terms, and words, so as to uplift themselves in their life. So much so, they are able to know how many seeds there are in an apple, yet, they take advantage to enjoy knowing how many apples are to be manifested from within each seed.
You are now ready to perform real magic, and experience miracles in your own life, by your wisdom of defining your hajat and allow it being manifested from your intention.
Zubli Zainordin is a professional public communicator. An established author in Malaysia, who has published 4 books in his native language. He is presently authoring - the wisdom of total happiness - for the English speaking market. Also, a consultant for the national book authoring project. Zubli Zainordin earned a M. Sc. in Communication - Radio/Television/Film from Indiana State University (Terre Haute, Indiana, USA), Diploma in Mass Communication from University Technology MARA, and Diploma in Translation - Technical and Science, from the National Translation Institute. As a thinker, Zubli Zainordin shares a unique view so that you may prefer to review your inner and outer self, then shall you preview your entire life with a total view. You shall want to benefit from his special approach to subjects pertaining to total life and total success. He is recognized as a pioneer, the arts and science of total success. He has prepared: Who am I? - the answer to ultimately know you - a free special report for you. Let's communicate Article Source: | ![]() |
Let's Communicate
Zubli Zainordin
The Art and Science of Total Success
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