Total Success - Perform Real Magic Using Your Mind
By Zubli Zainordin

The mind is a metaphysical space in a place centered within the physical brain at the conscious level and spreads beyond as deep as the sub-conscious level and as wide as the super conscious level encompassing the entire universe within this mega multiple verses.
The brain containing the mind at its center is located at the top when an individual is standing or sitting, and it is well protected with a skull and then covered at the top with hair.
This information alone already gives us the awesome value and worth of our mind, in addition to its quality and quantity.
The space of the mind is fluid with ether as the medium enabling an individual to fill one bit in every moment by moment of a continuous flow of pictures.
Pictures is a direct benefit to us and can be understood as two techniques known as visualization and imagination.
Visualization is the act of thinking in the form of a visual composed from information based on items outside us that is logical.
Imagination is the act of thinking in the form of an image crafted from inside us that is magical.
An example of visualization is, “visualize your house where in you live”. While, an example of imagination is, “imagine your house in the deep purple ocean”.
So the mind in center of the brain is much like a broadcast station receiving and sending a composition of visual signals within the physical plane.
In complement the mind in the center of brain is much like a transmission radar crafting images in the metaphysical dimension.
Thus the mind can be said as a workshop of pictures organized in order for us to enjoy the excitement of exploring the mysteries, and to make sense of the sequentially apparent surrounding phenomena.
The mind is not but a part of you, and you are the key to your own total success. As a part of you, thus you are open to the opportunity of benefiting and enjoying the advantages of using your mind. It has been said about the mind, that is, you use it to get, or you loose it to let.
Using your mind can be both a venture and an adventure when you apply a mixture of either believe, dream, and vision.
A believe, is different from a belief, with respect to, it is an acceptance of seeing now to influence a scenario of visuals and images of what is intended to happen in the next moment on a continuum of a span of the whole period in our life.
A dream is viewed in two categories first, a free projection of a movie like, within the metaphysical dimension when an individual is asleep, for example, "I dream of you a moment go"; second, a controlled, focused, and concentrated movie like, within the physical plane when an individual is awake, for example, "I have a dream. A world where everybody live in harmony."
A vision is viewed in two categories first, a visual statement composed now of what shall an entity become in the next moment on a continuum of a span of the whole period in our life; second, a flash of a scenario of images from what has happened at the next point on a continuum of a span of the whole period of our life, as a premonition in this present moment.
Other relevant acts include anticipation and expectation. Anticipation is a readiness for what come may as the next scenario. Expectation is the willingness surely going for the best outcome as the next scenario.
The mind contains memory including all that an individual experiences, a remembrance of the test based on an agreement between us and the Creator, and a part of the entire collection of all individuals’ experiences accessibly linked to the universal mind.
Another aspect of the mind is known as mental, it is a level of rationality and intellectuality. It is also a seat of our attitude known as mental attitude; a rate of facing endurance known as mental strength; and seems to be a half yet ready to be in connection with another when a meeting point occurs, known as mental chemistry.
At a physical level each human is living in full abundance. Beyond this abundance are the endless expansions from all the possibilities of benefiting at least 16 senses directly linked to the mind. These senses are available for a human to perform real magic and achieving the best in life from various choices.
These 16 senses are as follows:
01. Physical sense of sight,
02. Physical sense of hearing,
03. Physical sense of smelling,
04. Physical sense of tasting,
05. Physical sense of touching,
06. Inner sense of sight,
07. Inner sense of hearing,
08. Inner sense of smelling,
09. Inner sense of tasting,
10. Inner sense of touching,
11. Ultra sense of sight,
12. Ultra sense of hearing,
13. Ultra sense of smelling,
14. Ultra sense of tasting,
15. Ultra sense of touching, and
16. Common sense.
The mind although centered and contain in a human brain, yet is abundance in space, occupying three levels, first the conscious level, very much using the physical senses; second the sub-conscious level, using purely the inner senses; and third the super-conscious, using ultimately the ultra senses.
While common sense, is a natural and original sense that serves as the wisdom and the foundational philosophy of human potentials to be translated into experiences in the arena of endless possibilities. This common sense spreads like a matrix of a network in connection with other senses.
Up to this point, it is pertinent to ask, how an individual can use the mind so that he or she experiences real magic and be alive, living this life, as lively as liveliness can be?
To experience real magic, on a regular basis an individual can undergo 12 processes of total success, decorating the mind, as follows:
01. Closing,
02. Expanding,
03. Eliminating,
04. Adding,
05. Increasing,
06. Maintaining,
07. Enhancing,
08. Decreasing,
09. Subtracting,
10. Purifying,
11. Contracting,
12. Opening
Based on the 12 processes, you are ready to script your own life the way your prefer, in accordance to the way of life ordained by the Lord, with respect to other people’s right, and ensuring order on earth.
So select an item from the list of more than a 100 emotions so much like decorating a room, do unto your mind with each process of closing, expanding, eliminating, adding, increasing, maintaining, enhancing, decreasing, subtracting, purifying, contracting, and opening.
For example opening your mind to the satisfaction of gaining vital and valuable information; closing your mind from the frustration of gossiping. Please select and continue with other aspect of the processes.
As an individual proposes, the God disposes. The total freedom each of us enjoys to decide and choose based on our free will, and the God is in total control of the outcome or result in accordance to the divine system.
Your proposal shall cover your private, public, and professional life. These comprise of the 3 aspects of your total life, that include 7 micro aspects - spiritual, mental, emotional, intuition, potential, physical, and kinesthetic; 7 macro aspects - dyad, team, family, group, organization, state, and country, 7 "meta-cro"(sic.) aspects - cell, humanity, community, culture, civilization, world, and universe.
Flowing deeper you shall undergo a transformation to surpass all the four stages. These stages are overcoming 9 problems - money, health, emotion, relationship, communication, sexual, obsoleteness, self management for productivity, and other problems; facing 9 challenges - power, authority, responsibility, trust, agreement, choice, accountability, decision, and other challenges; attaining 9 stability - pleasing, freedom, grace, blessing, specialty, respect, peace, harmony, and other stability; and enjoying 9 peaks - unity, serenity, independence, true love, loyalty, purity, sincerity, wisdom, and other peaks.
The total success steps to real magic is practicing the following 7 steps of using your mind.
01. Breathing,
02. Auto-gen,
03. Scanning,
04. Transition,
05. Journey into your mind,
06. Planting the seed, and
07. Affirmation.
Now you are ready to perform real magic by translating the information here, understanding the processes, undergoing the steps, and organizing your own agenda, a plan of action in your total life.
Zubli Zainordin is a Platinum Expert Ezine Articles Author. In Malaysia he is the pioneer of the Art and Science of Total Success, a professional Public Communicator, MARA Expert Trainer, and MARA Business Management Consultant. An established author, who has published 4 books in his native language. He is now authoring - the wisdom of total happiness - for the English speaking market. Zubli Zainordin earned a M. Sc. in Communication-Radio/Television/Film from Indiana State University (Terre Haute, Indiana, USA), Diploma in Mass Communication from University Technology MARA, and Diploma in Translation - Technical and Science, from the National Translation Institute. As a thinker, Zubli Zainordin shares a unique view so that you may prefer to review your inner and outer self, then shall you preview your entire life with a total view. You shall want to benefit from his special approach to subjects pertaining to total life. He enjoys life by being a real magician and sharing information on real magic with others. Currently he is active blogging and rank 6 times a hot member, MyBlogLog Article Source: | ![]() |
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Zubli Zainordin
The Art and Science of Total Success
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