Total Life - An Introduction To The Test
By Zubli Zainordin

Who am I? Why am I here on earth? What actually I have to do while I am here? When shall I best do it? Where shall I go after doing it in this life? How shall I do it to achieve the best outcome? These are some of the many questions we pose demanding correct answers about us in this life.
The correct answers are directly related to the test. So, here is a view, an invitation, perhaps you shall prefer to review your position in relations to the test, so as you are able to preview with a total view, your attainment of total life on the peak of total success now here and here after.
Surely, this attainment is possibly experienced and enjoyed, throughout and after we search and research to uncover, discover, and recover, the test.
This is an individual task that each of us is responsible only for his or her own choice and decision. Yet each of us in this journey or voyage with a flow is allowed in synchronicity, and in connections, and in interactions to share information amongst each other without any imposition or compulsion.
So, allow me to share with you here vital and valuable information. Next, let us proceed to benefit from being informed of the introduction to the test.
The beginning of understanding the test is an acceptance that the Creator creates all creations. This is the whole story. Within the whole story is the story of each individual life, in addition to his or her life as this relates to others.
The whole story including the test is documented and preserved in a form, and the closest term for the benefit of our understanding it, is the total movie.
In the total movie, you and me, we are a later creation traveling from a metaphysical dimension of formlessness, entering a physical form, a temporary abode on earth in this universe, within these mega multiple verses the place and space containing all others of the total creations.
During the travel each of us carry vital and valuable information particularly regarding the test that is important, pertinent, and relevant to our life on earth now here, and our inevitable departure into the here after.
Actually the background of the test started before our travel, and there has been a meeting in an assembly where the Creator communicates with the earlier creations, regarding the creation of us as a new being. An agreement has been reached between the Creator and all of us, and the test is made known to each and everyone of us. Next the sequence of our emergence on earth to be tested.
Throughout the travel we are only a formless soul. Later we are each given a form, with the complete components of a total system, and we are known as human. The test is on.
At birth each of us has forgotten this information. As a baby we seem to be physically holding this information tight in our palms, yet it is no longer within our grasp.
This forgetfulness actually continues as we move into a position of life-ward here on earth, when we are supposed to shift into home-ward, that is our real destination - a return to where we once originally belong.
This life-ward endeavor also term as survival which is inherently a struggle that begins from a state of dependence to independence to inter-dependence. During our temporary stay on earth, the filling of our life is but mostly an engagement, and an engrossment in various activities of preoccupations.
The shift onto the straight track from these preoccupations is now important. So, how to know what the test is? A connection such as this opens up the test at least based on three methods of knowing. Yes, we shall know the test,
01) Once we move into consciousness and discover the remembrance of the earlier agreement between the Creator and each of us; or
02) After a realization based on a deep reflection at the center of our being, where the same question emerge automatically and constantly demanding the right answers in relations to the truth belonging to the Creator; or
03) After being made aware to the awareness through witnessing and contemplating each of the trillions upon trillions of signs surrounding us, especially in signs that signal like a beacon preserved in the book of divine guidance.
In order to stand on the right premise in relations to the test, pertinent at this point is to ask, "am I an invisible metaphysical being experiencing a visible physical life, or am I a visible physical being experiencing an invisible metaphysical life?"
Our individual answer to this question will open up three paths and only one shall lead us toward the destination of attaining enlightenment. The other two – one is a deviation away to a lost in blurriness, and the other is straight into "endarkenment" (sic.)
To amplify, these are popularly mentioned as, the path right traveled, the path confused traveled, and the path blindly traveled. The choice is entirely up to each of us without any imposition or compulsion what so ever.
While each of us is in control of the responsibility for our own choice, the Creator is in total control of the end result. The end is always understood as the fire, the middle height, and the garden.
So the response each of us gives now, makes a parting difference between a pass or fail in the test. Please remember that the test is the purpose of us being created and placed here on earth.
Getting into this purpose is most important to each of us. Once each of us aligned this purpose to the Creator's grand overall purpose, our life on earth is the performance of real magic, and assuredly attaining total success now here and the here after.
Ever since the first couple setting their feet on earth, as promised by the Creator, prophets and messengers as servants emerge to service the people, through sharing of the information regarding the test.
The close and open communication within a community proceeds into a massive age of reason and the possible attainment of wisdom, which is a state of super-dependence. This is the state whereby an individual is no longer a servant to others, or abdicating others as servants, but a concerted movement where each of us as a servant, is totally dependent only on the Creator through a complete submission or surrender to automatically rise on the peak of a total life living with the full meaning of meaningfulness.
Having reached this point, where a meaning becomes meaningful, what is your response, reaction, or restoration? To ignore the test is a decision to join groupings of the ignorance. To reject the test is a decision to be with the masses of those who reject. To accept the test is a decision to begin a preparation in this temporary life for the next permanent life.
The preparation is not rituals, is not religious, and of course not academic, but a common sense flowing into a way of life ordained by the Creator, where there is abundance, joy, real magic, miracles, and total happiness.
Thus total life is when all is possible, except, the one and only test to be heeded, which is so simple, yet the tendency for so many is bound to fail, and an open number still to pass, and ranked amongst the winner here now and here after.
The winners are those who have been safe from the tendency of the evil doing of the devil with all its evilness and suggestions that veil to cover the sight of any children of Adam from being a believer so much so are totally successful in fulfilling the test.
Therefore in safeguarding each of us is to be in transformation from a form to a formless nature, and making a simple connection to the Creator – the source of our total success now here and here after.
In connection, we are open to the trillions of invisible supports already in agreement to facilitate each of us being on the correct path, and a safe return home to be embraced in love by the Creator.
At home, while others are being question on the test of while on earth, those who are in total success are being greeted with "Peace, come to your Lord, enter the garden as promised, blessed, and being blessed".
So, are you now ready for the test? This introduction is only a reminder, and the remainder is entirely up to you to discard, to be, or not to be.
Please say, "if it is to be, it is up to me."
Zubli Zainordin is the Pioneer of The Art and Science of Total Success. Here, he is a Platinum Expert Ezinearticles Author. He considers himself a Prime Mover in Malaysia. He is a professional Public Communicator. He earned a M. Sc. in Communication - Radio/Television/Film from Indiana State University (Terre Haute, Indiana, USA), Diploma in Mass Communication from University Technology MARA, and Diploma in Translation - Technical and Science, from the Malaysian National Translation Institute. At present he is a Principal Consultant at AZ Smart Integrated Partnership Sdn. Bhd., a MARA Business Management Consultant, and a MARA Expert Trainer. He is also active blogging and building an e-Community at MyBlogLog. You may enjoy his unique writing style. You may also prefer to benefit from his special approach to subjects pertaining to total life, total happiness, and total success Article Source: | ![]() |
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Zubli Zainordin
The Art and Science of Total Success
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