Total Success - Real Magic Is Your Original Nature To Enjoy Wonderful Possibilities
By Zubli Zainordin

Do you know what real magic is? Are you familiar with real magic that has brought individuals to a level of fame as real magicians? Are you aware that you also have the natural ability and capability to perform real magic in your life? Do you realize and believe that real magic is an original part of you? Thus now are you able to consciously perform real magic, experiencing and enjoying all the wonderful features, filling to the full, the fulfillment of your precious life?
Most people assume that, "what is real is not magic, and what is magic cannot be real." To them Magic is merely an illusion. This is correct in the context of the physical dimension. However, the latest technology has allowed us to view, from the counting of a hundred percent, the metaphysical constitutes 99 percent and the remainder is the physical. So, the fact remains that invisibility is real, and not an illusion. Thus, real magic exists within the metaphysical dimension, and are being manifested at the physical level.
Real magic is truly the space and place of possibilities within the realm of human experiences on earth. It is up to you to further discover, uncover, and recover real magic, by continuously searching and researching with the purpose to gather a body of knowledge, and to share with others information nearing the truth belonging to the God.
Please observe, since real magic is not luck, can defy logic, and has nothing to do with coincidence, where even scientist now acknowledges that a human being has an invisible consciousness capable of influencing matter, so let us first define real magic.
Real Magic is a possible performance available to all individuals, which are original, and natural, the God’s gift, enabling the performer to manifest the best of his ultimate preferences, instantly and immediately, in accordance to the one and only divine law of the universe.
Let us proceed from this definition and go deeper in our penetration and understanding of real magic.
As a possible performance, real magic happens when the real magician initiates a metaphysical transformation inside, so as to witness the result and outcome physically outside.
This transformation includes:
01) An inner switching on of your self to the one and only Source of life within the entire universe, opening you up to a constant abundant flow of real magic,
02) Accepting and acknowledging that you are the key to the performance of real magic, as an invisible being experiencing a visible life, thus awaken the giant within, and through your meaningful intention, willingness, purpose, decision, choice, and preference in your life. So, practice the application of affirmation using an auto-suggestion,
03) Being in harmony within the formation of a network of connections with other real magicians engaging a constant and consistent contact, relationship, bonding, communication, interactions, and more, by sharing expertise and experiences for mutual win-win benefits,
04) Being open to tap and allow more than a trillion invisible forces energizing the whole matrix to be supporting and facilitating you to perform, experience, and enjoy real magic, and
05) Identifying your enemy, the devil, as the only enemy of all children of Adam, which is evil, lurking with bombardments of evilness, as to veil thus to digress and deviate you from your total life, and real magic too.
Real magic is actually available to all individual and not to the exclusive chosen few. Each and every single one of us can perform real magic is our life, now and here. Predominantly, this has been, is, and shall be the way.
In relations to you, real magic begins before your conception as a being. Then it continues and proceeds during your birth as a human being, throughout your life on earth, and until an inevitable death, and beyond.
That means original to you, and it exists deep within you, is the ultimate potential of real magic readily available, for your benefits instantly and immediately. So, be willing now to accept this wonderful art and science, the attainment of real magic until you are competent to a rank of an expert real magician. That is the moment when you sincerely change the term “Impossible” to “I’m possible”.
Real magic operates within the only one unified law of the universe. Within this law, you obtain more than a trillion automatic invisible supports in your life, and in this context, to facilitate you in performing real magic.
Real magic is the truth belonging to the God. The truth shall enable you to discern between the facts, the figures, the fictions, the flaws, and the falsehoods. Thus, being a real magician is all yours to enjoy the benefits.
With real magic you begin to flow, encountering cycles, and experiencing synchronicity. Thus, all aspects of your private, public, as well as professional life the wonderful possibilities begin to align directly to you at the center of your being.
Mystery shall disappear as you begin to see the whole story and the best portion to you is your story. The disappearance is due to a special delight of the shinning divine light and where you are the surrounding of “endarkenment” (sic.) is changed to enlightenment.
So be wise and be willing to intent, to decide and to choose the best thereof, from the numerous preferences and options, offered and opened to you as a real magician.
Please remember, in performing real magic, you are not required to put the world in order. Instead, you accept that the world is already, and will always be in order. It is a grand order. Therefore you order yourself fitting into that grand order.
In so an acceptance, you are moving from luck to the fruitfulness to pluck from the richness and abundance offered to all humanity. When you perform real magic, you are able to manifest the best of all fulfillment in your life. Yes, the only life of yours here on this planet earth.
As more and more real magicians performing real magic, we become better societies who are alive and living a life as lively as liveliness truly is in this world that is installed with abundance, affluence, luxury, and preciousness.
Zubli Zainordin is a Platinum Expert Ezine Articles Author. In Malaysia he is the pioneer of the Art and Science of Total Success, a professional Public Communicator, MARA Expert Trainer, and MARA Business Management Consultant. An established author, who has published 4 books in his native language. He is now authoring - the wisdom of total happiness - for the English speaking market. Zubli Zainordin earned a M. Sc. in Communication-Radio/Television/Film from Indiana State University (Terre Haute, Indiana, USA), Diploma in Mass Communication from University Technology MARA, and Diploma in Translation - Technical and Science, from the National Translation Institute. As a thinker, Zubli Zainordin shares a unique view so that you may prefer to review your inner and outer self, then shall you preview your entire life with a total view. You shall want to benefit from his special approach to subjects pertaining to total life. He enjoys life by being a real magician and sharing information on real magic with others. Currently he is active blogging and rank 4 times a hot member at MyBlogLog Article Source: | ![]() |
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Zubli Zainordin
The Art and Science of Total Success
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